Trait pyo3::types::complex::PyComplexMethods

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pub trait PyComplexMethods<'py>: Sealed {
    // Required methods
    fn real(&self) -> c_double;
    fn imag(&self) -> c_double;
    fn abs(&self) -> c_double;
    fn pow(&self, other: &Bound<'py, PyComplex>) -> Bound<'py, PyComplex>;
Expand description

Implementation of functionality for PyComplex.

These methods are defined for the Bound<'py, PyComplex> smart pointer, so to use method call syntax these methods are separated into a trait, because stable Rust does not yet support arbitrary_self_types.

Required Methods§


fn real(&self) -> c_double

Returns the real part of the complex number.


fn imag(&self) -> c_double

Returns the imaginary part of the complex number.


fn abs(&self) -> c_double

Available on neither Py_LIMITED_API nor PyPy nor GraalPy.

Returns |self|.


fn pow(&self, other: &Bound<'py, PyComplex>) -> Bound<'py, PyComplex>

Available on neither Py_LIMITED_API nor PyPy nor GraalPy.

Returns self raised to the power of other.



impl<'py> PyComplexMethods<'py> for Bound<'py, PyComplex>

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